
“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra” -Jimmy Johnson


In this era of a dynamic and volatile marketplace, the ‘Graduate Talent’ grooming requirements are inevitable. Vbuild© guarantees a smooth transition of graduate talent from college life to professional circuit.

Our array of Image Enhancement and Employability Enrichment programs guarantees to improve the students’ employability. The hybrid training formats are focused on workplace exposure through live marketplace simulation exercise, class-room mentoring and coaching and interviewing skills training to add a few.

The Students Learning Card (SLC) provides an edge over the conventional process of opting training programs which are from a flock of learning menu cards.

The vital training programs that we offer are:

  • Image Enhancement Programs
  • Employability Enrichment Programs
  • Industry specific training Programs


Vcare© is our flagship career clinic and Student Assistance Program where we provide continual and an ongoing consultation services to students to overcome the common barriers of fear, rejection, uncertainty about their career goals, disengaged situations, and so on.

Our career experts assess the potential human capital through an array of skill assessment tools and applications, provide one-on-one consultation and ascertain the scope for skill formation and prescribe requisite learning modules and topics, based on the initial career diagnostic report.

We provide the following services -

  • Career consultation services
  • Students Assistance Program (SAP)
  • Placement Assistance